Parsons City Council’s Water Committee wants the public to be aware of the possibility of their hot water tank’s temperature-pressure relief valve weeping. The recent water line improvements throughout the city could cause an increase in water pressure coming into your homes. The water committee suggests that you inspect the overflow tube from the relief valve on your hot water heater. If weeping is discovered, turning the temperature down may solve the problem. If this does correct the problem, have your pressure tested. If it exceeds 80 pounds, a thermal expansion tank and a pressure reducing valve and gauge may be required. If the pressure does not exceed 135 pounds, this is the responsibility of the customer. It is extremely important that our customers are certain of their incoming pressure before installing the expansion tank alone. Without the pressure reducing valve, the tank could fail or possible explode. The expansion tank should be installed where the service comes into the residence and be protected from freezing. The will protect all water lines within the residence. Also, as a reminder local and state regulation require a main shut off valve for water coming into the all residences.
Linda Hedrick and Junie Harper attended the Parsons City Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 19 to ask why new part of First Street had been made a one-way street going down the hill by the First United Methodist Church.
Councilman Auvil stated that one of the reasons for the change is because of the narrowing of the street which has occurred because of the rip-wrap on one side of the street to fix the ditch. “The same thing is going to be done on the other side of the street which will cause additional narrowing. This will make it very difficult for two vehicles to pass safely. Also, there is a high drop off and this could cause damage to a smaller size vehicle.” Auvil stated. It was also noted that this part of the street is closed for months during the winter, and further narrowing will occur when the exposed sewer line is covered in cement. It was stated that there is no possible way to widen the street.
Hedrick stated, “Living on Spruce Street, and I have lived on that street for 34 years, I use that hill constantly going up and down, because Second Street intersection is a dangerous intersection.” Hedrick added that she has not had any difficulty on Church Hill but was hit at the Second Street intersection.
Council stated that they could understand their questions and concerns, and the street committee would revisit the decision. It was added that it would more than likely remain a one-way street but that they could possible change the direction to being one-way up the hill instead of down.
In other business, council agreed on a one year lease with Susan A. Schmitt for office space on the second floor of the municipal building.
The next meeting of the Parsons City Council will be on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Council chambers of the Charles W. “Bill” Rosenau Municipal Building. If you would like an item on the agenda, please contact the business office at (304) 478-2311.