The underground world will be brought to the surface through the Soil Tunnel Trailer, an exhibit to be featured at the 10th Annual Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Festival. The event will be held on Saturday, March 26 from noon to 4 p.m. at WVU Potomac State College, Keyser Campus.
This interactive learning exhibit teaches children of all ages about soil, water, animals, and specialty crops. The larger than life carrot, onion, ginseng, and other root vegetables are carved and painted to look real on the wall.
Another wall holds many insects normally found in the ground, like a centipede, a cicada and ants digging tunnels. Insects are critical to keeping soils healthy.
Sam Urban, a specialist with the West Virginia Conservation Agency, will be leading the presentation of the Soil Tunnel during the STEM Festival. Aimee Figgatt, outreach specialist with the Conservation Agency, provides leadership for amazing educational experience. They are looking forward to sharing this mobile exhibit.
To learn more about the exhibit, visit: www.wvca/soiltrailer
The mission of the festival is to re-invigorate the interest of our youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities and careers by producing and presenting compelling, exciting, educational and entertaining science gatherings.
Event planning co-chairpersons are Andrea Schafer, WVU Potomac State College, Craig Kesner, Northrop Grumman and Kelly Haines, Mineral County Schools. If you have questions about the festival contact Andrea Schaefer agschafer@mail.wvu.edu at 304-788-7133 or Margaret Miltenberger at m.miltenberger@mail.wvu.edu.
For more information on the Mineral County STEM Network visit http://mineralstem.com/ and for regular updates on the STEM Festival like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MineralCountySTEM.