By Dan Geohagan
Parsons – One of the largest churches in our county is the Parsons Church of God.
more about the church.
“If I could describe the Church of God, I would say that we are a fundamental evangelistic and charismatic,” said Pastor David Snyder. “We believe that Jesus died for the sins of mankind and He is the one way of salvation. We are saved by believing in Him and confessing in Him and repenting of our sins.”
Although there are different ideas of the word “fundamental” Pastor Snyder was able to clarify what it means to their church.
“Myself when I am talking about the word fundamental is that the simple fact that God sent Jesus who died for our sins and is the only way to be saved. To me that is the fundamental truth. We do not reject other denominations or anything like that.” Snyder said.
The Pentecostal church also is one who holds true to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in as such receives and speaks in tongues.
Snyder said, “As far as what makes us different from other denominations we believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence in speaking in other tongues.”
This is identified in the New Testament and is shared when the Apostles were in the third floor and the Holy Spirit entered the room and they were filled with it and went forth to share the word of God in other languages.
As forms of worship the church is unique that the children and youth are encouraged to opening worship with the adults. The music that is provided is that of traditional and newer worship music.
“We do contemporary as well as traditional, I think we do a nice blend of both. We do tend to follow more of the worship music than traditional gospel, but we do have both in service. I feel that the older music gets more at our heritage but the new worship music is more of a personal thing, us singing to the Lord.” Stated Snyder.
The movement to contemporary music is formed for an individual to share that song in personal worship time with God.
The Church of God also has a large youth group that is led by Youth Pastor Chopper Evans, who also leads the group Young Life which is a non-denominational group. He leads the youth in various ministries in the community as well.
“For the past 11 years the youth has provided free food at games for kids, in the early years we had around 20 kids that came to us and now it’s around 200.”
The church itself has several other ministries that it caters to such as a prison ministry at Huttonsville Correctional Facility, Tucker Manor with the seniors, working with the community food pantry and financially helping those in the community that the church is able to accommodate.
Parsons Church of God’s times of service is as follows 10 a.m. on Sunday for morning worship, 7 p.m. for evening worship and Wednesday at 7 p.m. Upcoming events for the church are a revival in April 23 thru April 28. Also on July 22 and 23 B-Shoc is coming for the children and youth groups.
You can reach the church by mail at 507 Central Ave. Parsons, WV 26287 or find them on the web at or by phone at 304 – 478-2910