If you were one of the lucky hunters to get a deer this past year it will be the last time you’ll have to drive out of your way to find a check in station thanks to a new electronic check in system. According to the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) starting with 2015 spring gobbler seasons, hunters may check game in by one of three methods: 1. Going online to www.wvhunt.com 2. Stopping at any hunting and fishing license agent, just like in the past although you won’t be required to bring the animal to the license agent and 3. By calling 1-844-824-3251.
Once hunters are registered in the system they will be given their own DNR ID number that will be valid for lifetime and used in all future game checking transactions with the DNR. The DNR ID number will be issued when hunters purchase their annual base license. If you have your lifetime license you will already be in the system. Lifetime license holders can obtain their DNR ID number by visiting www.wvhunt.com or any license agent after January 1, 2015.
For those that are not required to buy a license (landowner, underage, etc), they can visit any license agent or log onto www.wvhunt.com after January 1, 2015 to obtain a DNR ID number. Starting with the 2015 spring gobbler season, once hunters field tag their animal, they will now be able to go online or call the 1-844-824-3251 number listed above.
“Upon finishing the electronic game check process, you will be given a 13-digit number that will serve as verification that you have completed the game checking process. This unique number must be written down on a sheet of paper with your name and address, or on your field tag, and attached to the animal. This number shall be affixed to the animal or parts thereof and remain affixed until it is dressed for consumption or processed into commercial fur. It will let the Natural Resources Police officers know that the animal has been officially checked” as stated in the 2014-2015 Hunting and Trapping Regulations.
Another neat feature with the electronic checking system is that you will be able to view your game checking history through the www.wvhunt.com link. I’m looking forward to using the new system as it will be much more convenient. No more long drives out of the way only to find the nearest check-in station closed and money saved from the gas wasted to do so will be really nice. The change that hunters have grumbled about for years is finally on its way.
I have a drawer full of check in tags from over the years that I’m going to hold on to. That way if and when I’m an old geezer I can show the young whipper snappers how we use to have to check in a deer.
It’s hard to believe that 2014 and another deer season has come to an end. I hope all of you had a Happy New Year and may 2015 bless you with many enjoyable memories made in the great West Virginia outdoors.