An overreaching government

To the editor:

As a resident of West Virginia, I’ve often wondered how the citizens of our state could rein in the overreaching powers of the federal government.  The federal agencies which have restricted our liberties and regulated our lives for the last century leads me to believe we the people need to exercise our constitutional right to begin restricting the jurisdiction of the politicians in Washington D.C.
Article V of the constitution provides us with the process which could once again return liberty, prosperity and the rule of law to the citizens of this great experiment called America, a self-governing nation of justice for all law abiding citizens.  A historic “convention of states” may be our last opportunity to reclaim our freedom from a power hungry and culturally corrupt federal government.  This convention of states has three specific objectives:  1) limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government 2) impose fiscal restraints, such as a balanced budget amendment  3) term limits on federal officials.
Amendments to the constitution would be presented and voted on and when ratified by thirty eight states, it becomes part of our constitution.  We see every day the inability of congress to accomplish anything which promotes liberty and American values.  Federal judges are legislating from the bench and are not answerable to we, the people, so our voices have no impact on how we are governed.  If this convention of states is successful, our republic will once again become a government of the people.  If we will contact our state legislators and encourage them to vote in favor of this historic action, we stand a chance of passing on to the next generation an example of self-governance the world has ever witnessed.
SB 673 was introduced into the West Virginia State Senate on March 20, 2017, then referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and not heard from since.  Both the House of Delegates and the Senate must vote in favor of a convention of states and delay it no longer.  So far, twelve state legislatures have voted in favor of this action.  Let’s make our voices heard in Washington D.C. before November’s election.  Thirty four states are required to accomplish a convention of states, so there’s no time to lose.  Call, email or write your delegates and senators in Charleston and tell them to vote for a convention of states.
Sally Purnell
Parsons, WV

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