Illegal aliens being separated from children at the border

There’s been a ton of fervor recently, regarding the issue of illegal aliens being separated from children at the border. Most of it’s grossly exaggerated and a political stunt to garner more votes in the November elections.

The politicians and media pushing this false narrative have no real solutions for America so instead for the past two years they banked everything on political correctness, identity politics, race bating, blaming lawful gun owners for murderous criminals, and of course, the great “Russian Collusion Delusion” and their refusal to cope with the fact that their candidates lost running ineffective campaigns on issues that weren’t as popular with voters as they hoped, one of the biggest being of course, blanket amnesty for virtually anyone coming into the U.S. illegally.

In all my years following politics never have I seen such a crazed, vitriolic, hysterical hissy fit hoax perpetrated on the public. The whole point of course, is to foist all the blame on Donald Trump in what can only be described as a last ditch hail Mary effort to overthrow and impeach not only a duly elected president, but most of the Republican candidates who won in 2016. What’s ironic is that he tried passing a bill that would’ve allowed a fast-track path to citizenship for illegals who were here longer than a decade, but otherwise were productive law-abiding people. Virtually every Democrat along with a few Republicans voted against it.
Trump did not cause all of this. These laws have been on the books since the 1970’s, and for good reason.  A large percentage of children never make it during the long 1500 mile trek from South America. They die from dehydration, starvation, gang violence, rape and other injuries. But he did change them recently, something that he’s been talking about for a while, but the media ignored. He didn’t throw children into “concentration camps”. The crying Honduran child from Time Magazine was not separated from her mother, and all of those pictures of kid’s behind cages topped with razor wire, crammed together in foil blankets was taken from 2014 to 2016 During Obama’s tenure, not to mention there were staged photos the radical open borders group, Brown Berets, got caught disseminating. Right now, they’re being treated humanely and placed temporarily in good shelters with Playstations and pool tables while being checked for contagious diseases. Similarly, the adult men and women are being separated and properly vetted to make sure they’re not criminals or human traffickers.
That said, illegal immigration is a serious crime and many of these people are flat out lying about their refugee status because they were promised a free pass by crooked politicians if they did so. Additionally, it is immensely unfair to those waiting in line, trying to attain their citizenship, lawfully. Like any other American who commits a crime, you are prosecuted and put in prison, and consequently are separated from your children. Why should it be any different for illegal aliens?
Christopher Phares
Thomas, WV

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