I recently saw a post on Facebook that stated, “Democrats hated Christians long before Trump came along”.
I am neither Republican, nor Democrat. I have, in the past, been a member of both parties, and I share convictions of both, but more than that, I disagree with parts of both party’s platforms. Instead, my political compass is the same as my life’s compass. I am a Christian. Because I am a Christian, I cannot attach myself to either party. In every election, I weigh the good and the bad against the teachings of Christ. It is not easy, and far too much is subjective due to the exaggerations and mistruths in politics; but it is the only way I can reach a prayerful decision.
In the past decade, or so, it has become obvious that the divide between the two parties has become vastly widened. Americans are persuaded to choose one or the other, and are warned if they do not, horrible things will happen. Regionally and locally, people seemed less influenced by the call for division. But that seems to be changing.
The statement: “Democrats hated Christians. . .” is a generality. It is a rather bad policy for people to apply a blanket statement on observations they make. Blanket statements seldom do little else but block the light of truth. As West Virginians, we know this is true: “West Virginians are all barefoot and ignorant.”. We know it is not true, yet it is hurtful, none the less. Pay attention to the remarks and advertisements; you’ll hear these blanket statements repeated over and over. They are meant to divide us.
When our neighbors need help, no one asks their political affiliation. Our community pours what blessings are needed to those hurting, not out of obligation or planned paybacks, but out of love. Our community is composed of loving neighbors and friends, but more than that, they are our spiritual brothers and sisters. Love is the connection that ties us all, regardless of politics, regardless of denomination, regardless of any pigeonhole that the powerful use to try to divide us. We all share love.
The idea that there is a connection between political party and religious beliefs is ludicrous. Just look through your church register. Ask people what their religious beliefs are. Don’t assume or listen to those political ads. Remember, these are your neighbors and friends. These are the people that share love.
As we look for guidance in these confusing, troubled times; as we look for a clear path to decisions we must make, both locally and nationally; we know where to turn. God’s word. As Christians, we need to stay united in the Love of Christ, not divided by man. It is His words and Teachings that should guide us in our decisions, always keeping Love (…God Is Love; 1 John 4:8) as our compass heading.
David Ruediger
Parsons, WV