Dear Editor,
It is very important we all get registered to vote if we are not already registered. Being a citizen of the United States gives us the privilege to vote for righteous officials that support our Constitution. As you know, our forefathers formed the Constitution according to the Bible.
Yes, we should vote our conscience. We need to know what platform they are running on. Do their policies line up with the word of God? Does the candidate for presidency and other officials running stand for God’s principles from the Bible, which then would also be the Constitution.
The Democrats philosophy believes in abortion. God says, “Thou shall not kill.” Yes a woman has a right over her body, which is to say no to sex in the first place. Democrats want open borders. God always had a wall around Jerusalem to protect its people. Ever heard of the gates of Heaven? They must have had a wall in order to have a gate don’t you think?
The Republicans want to reverse Roe v Wade. Did you ever think that maybe the older people today were the ones to let the Supreme Court make that ruling? Could that be why God is permitting the older people to be attacked by the coronavirus? Repentance is in order.
Our present administration believes in immigration, but it must be done legally. God is a God of law and order. Our taxes have paid for many benefits for the illegals. Why not let them do it the right way instead of how the previous administration handled it?
Democrats want police defunded. Who are you going to call when the burglar enters your home or come to the scene of perhaps your car accident? We need to think this through.
I used to be a Democrat. Now it is a simple choice knowing that I no longer can support their platform with a clear conscience before God! I vote for what the candidate stands for and not the personality of the person. God put leaders in positions. Just read Daniel 2:21.
Voting Democratic would be like rebelling against God and slapping Him in His face. I can’t do that to someone I love. He wants all His children to spend eternity with Him.
Sincerely Yours,
Connie Evans
Horseshoe Run, WV