By Teri Cayton
The Parsons Advocate
I think I have finally found the relief I have been searching for. It has been going on 40 years that I have been going for chiropractic care and it has helped a great deal, some times. My present chiropractic doctor recommended something that his wife had done some years back.
It is called Atlas Orthogonal and works on the very first bone in the spine. It is basically up under the back of your skull and there has to be special instruments to work on it. He referred me to another doctor that works on this and I must say I have never had this much relief in all the years of going to chiropractors.
It is almost instant relief of the pain that I have been living with but I have to take it easy so it will settle and stay in place. Momma Said, “Something worthwhile is worth waiting for.” The first treatment did not stay in very long but I have gone back for the second time and I feel pretty darn good.
It will take some time and I am willing to put in the effort to get some relief. If you are suffering as I am with headaches, dizziness, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, not being able to turn your head from side to side, it might be worth the time to look into it. And the best part is Medicare pays for everything but the first visit. And if a medical doctor prescribes the x-rays they are covered as well. Momma Said, “Take the time to help yourself because nobody else is going to do it for you.”
Impossible Pie
2 cups milk
1 cup shredded coconut
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
½ cup all-purpose flour
8 Tbls. butter
¾ cup sugar
Place milk, coconut, eggs, vanilla, flour, butter and sugar in a blender and mix well. Pour into greased and floured pie plate and sprinkle with nutmeg. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. It will form its own crust with filling and taste like a coconut cream pie.