As the days count down, we can put another year in the books. It has been an interesting one in the news. With all the political scandals, mass shootings, fires, floods and landing another robot on Mars we have covered most everything.
We can send a ship 300 million miles away and we can’t solve the problems right here where we live. Momma Said, “We can’t live in harmony on this planet, what says we can do any better on Mars?”
At the rate we are going we are eventually going to deplete the resources on this planet. We have animal species being eradicated on an astronomical scale, we are disrupting the cycle of life everyday with pollution and when one block in the evolution cycle is gone, it has a chain affect on life as we know it. A tiny frog goes on the endangered list, then the bugs it eats start to go out of control. The small fish that eat the frog starve and the larger fish have nothing left to eat. It goes up and up the food chain until it gets to us. Then what do we do?
And how does the process of picking which people would go to Mars to live and work? Only those with money or scientists; what do the rest of us do, stay here and starve? Will Earth be left with all the poisons we dump in the water and air where nothing will be able to survive? We are getting close to that realization now. The Polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, weather patterns are going crazy with super storms on one shore of the US and the other shoreline burning to a crisp.
I wish I still had the innocence of childhood and not be facing these challenges, but in the same breath I fear for the children of today. What kind of world are they going to grow up in? Try making small changes in your life now that could impact the world tomorrow.
1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs – (tear up soft sliced bread – don’t use fine crumbs as for breading)
1 1/2 lb ground meat (beef or pork & beef)
1 beaten egg
1 onion chopped fine
1/4 tsp dry mustard
1/8 tsp ground sage
1/2 tsp ground thyme
1 ½ tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 chopped green pepper
1 can condensed tomato soup (Campbells’s) NOTE: Never use ketchup
3/4 cup grated celery
3/4 cup grated carrot