This is a copy of the first page of HI Times-published by the Journalism Club of Davis High School. Dated November 1940. Sponsor was Mrs. Joyce Cooper, Editor-in-Chief Bob Smith, Assistant Editor Justina Mamish, Sports-Walter Gaynor, News-Gertrude Beyer, Ruth Harkins, Copy-Ada Phelps, Elizabeth Cathcart, Dolores Helmick. Some of the Business sponsors were: Depollo’s, Miller’s Pharmacy, Mike Ferruso, Mura Cooper’s Restaurant, Coffman-Fisher, Meyer Transit, Roma Restaurant, Charm Beauty, Wipple’s Bakery, Davis Piggly Wiggly, LH Mott, Ben’s Place, Dr. Skar, Erhard, Ana Mae’s Beauty, The Varsity, WE Weimer, Arnold’s Barber, Mrs. TT Walters Meals, Harmon’s Store, Continental Grocery, Community Store, Belmont’s, National Bank of Davis, Myers Auto, Corner Grocery, Worden’s, Dr. Crawford, Sutton Theatre, Davis Hardware, Snavely-Windle Drug, Blackwater Coal Company. Ideas or comments contact Tim Turner 304-478-3389.