Friends… It’s all about Real friends

Submitted by Jenn MJ Jones

A request to Dr. Eddie Campbell was made in July 2017 from Bill and Kim Day, for their son, Rorry, who has home schooled for the past four years because of his autism. Day wanted to be able to be with his class one last time at graduation before everyone went their separate ways.

He has always been very close to his classmates and home schooling during his high school years was a necessity – so he made a great sacrifice by not being with his friends everyday in order to get a better education. He wanted to sit and walk with his class at graduation and have his home school diploma presented to him like his other classmates were receiving theirs. He wanted to be with them – they wanted him there.

According to the Day’s their phone calls and written request were never answered. When they spoke to Mr. Cosner on the telephone they were told the answer was no. Several attempts were denied and then according to the Days a couple of months ago a message was issued that home schoolers were not allowed to participate in anything pertaining to graduation.

Tammy Michael, Amy Owens, Beki Myers, Jason Myers, Stephanie Moats, Lora Bennett, and so many other people who are too numerous to mention

 came forward and gave the home school students a graduation they so well deserved and invited the whole community and senior class to join in.
Day said, “Rorry always said to me and his father ‘My classmates are not my friends – they are my People’.”
Kenya Jones and Shayne Liller thought after graduation since Day could not walk with them, they would let him use their cap and gown to make his wish come true for graduation night . Day wore Liller’s gown and Jones’ cap with tassel.  Liller and Jones  told Day that he was going to get to walk across the stage, Day responded with “I will get in trouble I was told no.” . Jones’ mother,Jenn, stated, ” I have it covered No worries .. Your wish is taken care of for graduation.”
Friends had the love, compassionate and caring heart to make Day’s  wish come true. They got him dressed walked him across stage, he made them stop and hold their right hand across their chest while he gave his speech for graduation on stage.  Many tears flowed as Day said it has been a long road these years , it is time to go out into the world now , times will be fun and times will be hard, you will make mistakes, but you will make something of yourself. He saluted and announced  the class of 2018 to go into the world now.
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