TCHS Students of the Week
By Erin Cassidy
This week Tucker County High School again recognizes the dedicated and hardworking students throughout the school. The students that are being chosen for Students of the Week are repeatedly working as hard as they can, have an outstanding attitude, demonstrate school pride, and never fail to reach the expectations of their administrators.
This week TCHS Students of the Week include Hannah Hardy, Kyleigh Barrett, Eric Lawrence, Isaac Quattro and Jaden Stanley, Hannah Hardy, a freshman, was nominated for being very respectful, staying on task all through class, and for always working to the best of her ability. Kyleigh Barrett and Eric Lawrence, both juniors, were selected for demonstrating school pride. Isaac Quattro is a sophomore and was chosen for always wanting to be a leader and helping other students. Freshman Jaden Stanley was nominated for getting his second semester off to a great start.
Each week the teachers of Tucker County High School nominate students who have not only gone above and beyond academic and behavioral expectations but also exceed them. These students are to be commended for exemplifying the principles of Mountain Lion CARE: courtesy, attitude, responsibility, and engagement.
TCHS Principal’s I See You Award
By Anna Louk
Ethan Stanley is the recipient of the Principal’s I See You Award this week. He received this award for caring about all TCHS students. Principal Steve Cosner commented that Ethan’s kind and considerate personality is enough to brighten anyone’s day.
By Erin Cassidy
HOSA, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America, is an international career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. On March 7th and 8th Tucker County High School’s own HOSA Club will travel to Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia to compete in the WV HOSA State Leadership Conference.
The following participants are competing in this year’s 2020 HOSA Leadership Conference: Shelby Gooden competing in manufacturing an Extemporaneous Health Poster, Jacob Devilder competing in Vet Science, Carley Dumire competing in Pathophysiology, Cheyann Gooden competing in Medical Math, Erin Cassidy competing in Prepared Speaking, Olivia Keeler competing in Health Career Photography and Hannah Hardy competing in Pharmacology.
Advisor Stephanie Burns will again be traveling with the students to Marshall University to supervise them on their weekend competition. Mrs. Burns has been a teacher at Tucker County High School for thirteen years and has served as an advisor of the HOSA Club for twelve years.
HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs or for students who have interests in pursuing careers in health professions.