TCHS Students of the Week
By Erin Cassidy
Tucker County High School students who are nominated for Students of the Week have a positive outlook, are always polite and respectful to their peers and the TCHS staff, and value learning. Each week the teachers of Tucker County High School select students who consistently exceed academic and behavioral expectations. This week’s Students of the Week include Nevaeh Nichols, Tessa Jolly, Sheridan Bonner, Erin Cassidy, and Hayden Smith.
Nevaeh Nichols, a sophomore, was nominated for always being prepared for class and never complaining.
Tessa Jolly is a sophomore and was chosen for always striving to be her best, for always being supportive of those around her, and for just being awesome.
Sheridan Bonner, a junior, was nominated for exceeding expectations daily.
Sophomore Erin Cassidy was selected for always putting forth her best effort, for helping her classmates, for being polite and respectful, and for not missing any school this semester.
Hayden Smith, a freshman, was nominated for always going above and beyond what is expected of him and always helping out TCHS staff and students.
These students are to be commended for exemplifying the principles of Mountain Lion CARE: courtesy, attitude, responsibility, and engagement.
TCHS After School Theater Production
By Tessa Jolly
Recently, auditions for the after-school theater production of “Murder by the Book” were held. “Murder by the Book,” written by Craig Sodaro, is a full-length play about a group called the Raven Society. The Raven Society is an organization of people who come together each year, disguised as famous actors, to decide the best and the worst book of the year. When the time arrives for another book selection, a horrible incident occurs at the Dickens house, the place where the Raven Society conducts its business.
The cast includes Samantha Chambers as Edgar Allen Poe, Tessa Jolly as Agatha Christie, Corey Price as Mark Twain, Erin Chambers as Charlotte Bronte, Lindsey Hull as Louisa Mae Alcott, Willow White as Mary Shelly, Tanner Gatto as Arthur Doyle, Alisha Bennett as Emily Dickenson, Joseph Birchland as Shakespeare, and Paige Lantz as Violia Danglon.
“Murder by the Book” will be presented on May 8th in the TCHS auditorium. The school performance will be at 1:00 p.m., and the evening performance will begin at 7 p.m.
TCHS Principal’s I See You Award
By Anna Louk

Will White is the recipient of the Principal’s I See You Award for this week. Will White, a senior at Tucker County High School, was chosen by Mr. Cosner, TCHS principal, because of his caring personality and his tremendous school spirit.
West Virginia Thespians Society
By Tessa Jolly
West Virginia Thespians has been active since 1929 and has inducted over two million members since its founding. The International Thespian Society, an organization where students interested in theatrical arts can be recognized and further their goals in theatre, sponsors the West Virginia Thespians. National Thespians was the original name for the International Thespian Society when it was founded in West Virginia by Dr. Paul Opp, Earnest Bravely, and Harry Leaper.
The TCHS Thespian Chapter started in 2015 with a total of eleven members. The chapter currently has twenty-seven inducted members and four active members. Officers of the TCHS Thespian Chapter are President Lindsey Hull, Vice President Samantha Chambers, Secretary Tanner Gatto, and Treasurer Tessa Jolly Chapter members hope to soon induct more Thespians to carry on the Thespians Society Motto,” Act well your part; there all the honor lies.”