Students of the Week
By Jamen Dudley

According to Bryant McGill, “Forcing good behavior is itself a bad behavior. You can only teach good behavior by living it.” The students that are living good behavior at TCHS are Ian Dotson, Lucas Davis, Olivia Sigley, Wyatt White, and Myles Paugh.
These students not only stand out to the principals and teachers but also to other students. These young adults have gone above and beyond academic and behavior expectations and continue to do so. Tucker County High School is proud of all their students and especially these individuals.
Ian Dotson, a senior, was selected for taking the initiative on his own time to consistently straighten up the Maker Space Lab and for assisting with TCTV broadcasting.
Senior Lucas Davis was chosen for taking the initiative on his own time and consistently straightening up the Maker Space Lab.
Freshman Olivia Sigley was selected for having a positive attitude in theatre and always being willing to go above and beyond.
Wyatt White and Myles Paugh, both seniors, were nominated for taking the initiative and shoveling snow around the Career Center and outside the classroom.
These students are to be commended for exemplifying the principles of Mountain Lion CARE: courtesy, attitude, responsibility, and engagement.
Teen Issues Day
By Jordan Teter

Despite the two-hour delay, Teen Issues Day was held at Tucker County High School on November 13th. There were fifteen presenters in attendance conducting sessions on a variety of topics relating to teens.
Guidance Counselor and organizer, Katilin Moore, reported “The day was a positive experience. The students actively participated and hopefully took something meaningful from the day.” Ms. Moore plans to continue Teen Issues Day, hopefully scheduling another one in the spring and allowing students to choose their own sessions.
When asked what should be done differently, freshman Darrah Pennington responded, “I would schedule a longer lunch for more of a break between sessions and write the teacher’s name on the schedule instead of the room number.” “I would let the students choose their own sessions or at least have more of a choice,” senior Wyatt Gravelle remarked.
Principal’s “I See You” Award
By Jamen Dudley

Haley Tibbs was selected as the recipient of the Principal’s I See You Award. According to Principal Steve Cosner, Haley received this award for voicing her opinion on how to treat each student fairly. Not many students take the initiative to tell the administrators of the school what they think needs to be done.
TCTV Broadcasting
By Kristen Hicks
“Good Morning. This Is Kristen Hicks from TCTV. Today is Wednesday, November 20th.” …And another TCTV broadcast is being videotaped at TCHS.
This semester TCHS students in the English 10 Honors class have begun broadcasting on school televisions. The broadcast is called TCTV and includes segments such as weather, lunch menu, and recent or upcoming sporting events. Currently, the broadcast is shown during lunch.
Initially, six students – Clay Poling, Tessa Jolly, Harper Russell, Lillyan Plumley, Kristen Hicks, and Lillian Callaway – were trained in how to broadcast and edit broadcasts by seniors Jordan Teter, Candy Cross, and Ian Dotson who were members of last year’s TCTV broadcasting crew. Coach Josh Evans assists the students with technology issues.
When asked what they enjoyed about doing the daily TCTV broadcast, Clay Poling responded, “My favorite part of TCTV is getting to be the face of Tucker County High School.” Harper Russell added, “My favorite part is Sports Zone.”
The students currently working on the broadcast are now training the rest of the class to anchor, film, and edit future TCTV broadcasts. All students have begun to video interview other students and staff about projects and school events occurring at TCHS, and these videos will be integrated into daily TCTV broadcasts.
Additionally, broadcasts will be shown before home basketball games.
In December the students plan to start filming community-related videos.
“That concludes today’s TCTV broadcast. Have a wonderful Wednesday.”