TCHS FFA takes top honors in tractor driving contest

1st, 2nd, 3rd

Local FFA students take top honors in the FFA Regional Tractor Driving Contest held at East Hardy High School on September 28th, 2017.  Vincent Moats, a senior this year at TCHS, drove his way to first place in the large tractor division. Ethan Carr, a freshman and Tanner Burns, a senior, both from Tucker County captured the second and third place in the competition.

1st, 2nd Lawn

In the lawn and garden (a zero turn mower) tractor event,  Micah Thompson, a senior from TCHS  came in first, followed by Jacob Beavers,  also a TCHS senior.

The top three winners in each division will advance and have the opportunity to compete in the State FFA Tractor Driving Contest in the summer of 2018.
TCHS Vocational Agriculture teacher / FFA Advisor Courtney Nestor said the contests have three parts, a written examine, parts identification, and driving component.  The student prepared for the contest the last couple of weeks in their SPL classes with Mrs. Nestor’s supervision.
Mark Burns and Paul Pennington  donated time and transportation for the young men to be able to compete.
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