The Tucker County FFA chapter held its annual banquet on recently at TCHS cafeteria.
Jacob Hauser, 2017-2018 chapter president, opened the meeting; Vice-President Elizabeth Buchanan proceeded with the roll of officers, Ethan Carr at the post of treasurer, Amber Price at the post of reporter, Vincent Moats at the post of secretary, and Tanner Burns at the post of sentry with all reporting that their stations were in order. The meeting continued with Tanner Burns giving the blessing. Kenna’s bar-b-que chicken, baked beans, red roasted potatoes, salad and desserts where enjoyed by all.
West Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture, Kent Leonhardt was in attendance and spoke on the future of feeding the population and how these young people will be the one doing so.
The guest speaker, Ron Wilson Preston County FFA Alumni President spoke on the creed and the meanings it should have for “you”.
The FFA creed was presented by Jessica Hollbaugh, Sidney Simmons, Ethan Carr, Robby Shupp, and Tate Mullenax.
Awards were given to the regional large tractor and small tractor winner:, 1st place, Vincent Moats, 2nd place, Ethan Carr, 3rdplace Tanner Burns for the large tractor division; and Micah Thompson 1st and Jacob Beavers, 2nd in the small tractor division. They are eligible to compete at the state level in July of 2018, at the state FFA Convention at Cedar Lakes Resort, Ripley, WV.
Lindsey Knotts, Eastern Region State FFA Vice-President, spoken on how the FFA program has expanded opportunities in her life.
The Ag. Issues team of Elizabeth Buchanan, Amber Price, Jacob Hauser, Shelby Beavers, Madison Evans, placed 1st at the state level during the summer of 2017 and advanced to compete at the national FFA convention in Louisville, KY, in October of 2017, where they received bronze pins.
Green hands pins where received by Ethan Carr, Tate Mullenax, Sidney Simmons, Robby Shupp and Jessica Hollbaugh.
Chapter degree was received by Amber Price.
2018 Honorary Tucker County FFA members, Marjorie Buchanan, Butch Burns, Mark Burns, Kenanette Burns, Terry Hauser and Jessica Street were received by officers and attending members.
Elizabeth and Amber presented a senior tribute for Tanner Burns, Jacob Hauser, Vincent Moats, Micah Thompson and Jacob Beavers, wishing them good luck in their future plans and letting them know how much they will be missed.
Jacob Hauser gave his retiring address, on how FFA has made a difference in his life. He received a standing ovation and closed his last meeting for Tucker County FFA.
The Tucker County FFA Chapter is open to all students at TCHS that are taking Vocational Agricultural Education classes through the CTE program. For additional information on the chapter please speak with Mrs. Courtney Nestor or any FFA member.