ELKINS, W.Va., March 6, 2025 — Monongahela National Forest staff tentatively plans to conduct a prescribed fire at the Nursery Bottom Administrative Site, near Parsons in Tucker County this within the next few weeks, if weather conditions permit.
This 55-acre prescribed fire will improve wildlife habitat through the reduction of woody plants including non-native species, removal of grass and forbs, dead vegetative build up, increasing flowering plants, promoting and establishing native warm and cold season grasses, and incorporating prescribed fire into an integrated program to treat non-native invasive species.
The prescribed fire area will be closed to the public on the day of the burn. Signs will be posted on roads and trails before and during burning. Residents and visitors may see and smell smoke for several days. If you encounter smoke on the highway, slow down, turn on your vehicle’s lights and drive appropriately for the conditions.
Prescribed fires are conducted under specific weather conditions and are designed to accomplish pre-determined forest management goals. Monongahela National Forest follows strict guidelines for conducting prescribed fires, and takes into consideration environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and wind.
If any environmental conditions are not within limits, the prescribed fire will be postponed. Local radio stations will be alerted to burn activities ahead of time. When burning begins, information, photos, and maps will be available at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/. For more information contact the Cheat District Office at (304) 478-2000.