By Penny Ellison
The Parsons Advocate
DAVIS – The Tucker County Board of Education met in regular session recently, the meeting was held in Thomas at the Davis Thomas Elementary Middle School. With all board members present, President Janet Preston called the meeting to order. Following the Pledge of Allegiance during which the colors were presented by Girl Scout Troop 4091, the board heard a special presentation from the school’s principal, Alicia Lambert, who honored the students whom had achieved distinguished ranking in different areas on the last Westests.
The board then heard a report from the D.T.E.M.S. Local School Improvement Council. The L.S.I.C. thanked the board for the new much needed dishwasher and the removal of the old carpet in a few of the school rooms and replacing it with long-wearing tiles. The L.S.I.C. reported on the notable increase of students who are now reading on grade level since their last report to the board.
“If we catch it early and get them to grade level; that follows throughout with them”, said one L.S.I.C. member.
Valerie Eye presented their hopes to purchase and use National Geographic’s Reach for Reading Series, a K- 6th grade language arts program.
Discussion was held between the board, members of the L.S.I.C. and the attendees about the new tests given to the students. One young student in attendance addressed the board impromptu and had positive things to say about the new state mandated student testing.
Music teacher, Denver Gaydon, who teaches half-time at D.T.E.M.S. and half-time at the high school said he would really love to see there be full time music teachers at both schools so that all students who wanted to participate in a music program would have the opportunity and not have to choose between a required class and an elective while scheduling.
Next was a presentation by two members of D.T.E.M.S.’s P.T.O. They reported their plans to try and raise money for new bleachers for the gym. The current bleachers are original to the building (1978) and have not been able to be pushed in for quite a few years. They have received a quote on the installation of new bleachers but the bid does not include the dismantling and removal of the old ones. Different ideas were shared with the possibility of labor donations to help with this when they are able to begin their project. The have asked the board for whatever help they can provide.
Following special presentations, having no public comments, and only a few minor agenda adjustments the board approved and heard intents on the following consent agenda items:
*The minutes of the last meeting.
*Intent to homeschool.
*T.V.E.M.S. 8th grade to Kennywood Park, Pennsylvania June 2, 2015 (Previously approved for June 3).
*Justin Godwin and Stephanie Burns to Virginia Beach, VA; May 24-28th, 2015 as Senior Class trip chaperones.
*Use of Bus request- Horseshoe Leadership Center, Teen Entrepreneurship Summit, Thomas and Davis area, June 11, 2015.
The board then moved into personnel where it approved the following:
Employment of both Camey Nestor and Sheran Redmond as substitute cooks.
The creation of a CTE Math Teacher, T.C.H.S. position. (We received a one year grant which will cover the cost of this position.)
The board then moved into finance matters where it approved paid bills and the treasurer’s report and had no budget revisions. The board was given information packets on the proposed budget. The budget will be available for public viewing on May 21.
Having no old business that required action, the board moved into new business.
During new business the board amended and approved the 2015-2016 Board of Education meeting schedule.
The board then entered into other business where it reviewed the Transportation Supervisor’s Report for April, and was apprised of the renewal of Employee Dental and Vision Insurances with the same companies as before.
The process of the upcoming Superintendent’s evaluation was discussed (deadline for evaluation is June 30).
The board members gave committee updates. President J. Preston reported on the recent RESA meeting where school emergency plans were discussed. We have had ours in place well before this deadline. It was also noted that the RESA RIF’d (reduction in forces) the Principal Mentor position.
Safety Committee, board member White, reported that there has been two more reported incidences where traffic has failed to stop for a bus that is loading/unloading children. He suggested work begin on developing a public safety information campaign to be in place before the start of the next school year.
The board then heard the Superintendent’s update. Amongst items discussed were the current student testing. Dr. Campbell reported that the testing cycle is going very smoothly and that we have been getting good feedback on this from both teachers and students, even though such is not the case in other counties state-wide. Campbell commended the teachers and staff for the hard work they’ve put in helping students prepare for this testing.
Having no further business the board adjourned until the next meeting which will begin with a budget hearing held on Monday, June 1, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. at the Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School. The regular meeting will immediately follow.