Parsons Pathway to Revitalization Commemorative Walkway
This pathway will be the gift from our families and friends to those who visit Parsons and to the citizens of our community. Each personalized paver brick is dedicated in honor of or to the memory of; or to commemorate a special occasion, will become a lasting part of our city.
This is your opportunity to show your family trees, propose marriage, celebrate an anniversary as well as other events or special memories. Your donation of a commemorative brick will leave an enduring message along FIRST STREET from MAIN STREET to WATER STREET and a portion of WALNUT STREET and SECOND STREET (around Parsons City Hall and Tucker County Courthouse).
Donations to the Pathway can be made throughout the year with the installation taking place on a half yearly basis. To speed this process your engraved bricks will replace the current ones along FIRST STREET in late spring and mid fall begining in 2020. You will be notified as to the date and time for your brick paver laying ceremony as well as the general location in The Pathway your brick paver will be installed.
You have your choice of two (2) sizes; either 4 ” by 8 ” (which holds 2 lines of printing) or 8″ by 8″ (which holds up to 3 lines of engraving). The smaller brick paver donation is $50,00 each or two (2) for $90.00 and the larger one is $75.00 each or two (2) for $140,00. Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent by law. PRO ON TRAC reserves the right to NOT accept engravings that contain content that may be considered inappropriate for our Commemorative Walkway.
Each step of this Walkway is the opportunity for you to celebrate those who helped shape your life; whether loving parents, siblings or friends.
All proceeds from our Pathway will contribute to the continued achievement of the historic preservation and downtown revitalization. Parsons Revitalization Organization (PRO) ON TRAC is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to promoting economical and community development in Parsons. Our work includes the renovation of buildings, encouraging local business,and involving the community in downtown planning and revitalization. PRO was formed in 2001 and joined forces with West Virginia Mainstreet ON TRAC program in 2014 to create PRO ON TRAC.
We envision PARSONS PATHWAY TO REVITALIZATION COMMEMORATIVE WALKWAY to become an important landmark in our little city with the big heart, where we all will come to reminisce and contemplate. Each brick paver will tell its own story.
Please contact Diana DeLuca, Community Coordinator at 304 478-6009 (O) or 941 467-2420 (C) or email to proontrac@ @ for order forms or more information.