Some very encouraging news! As of this moment the arrangements for our trip to Lancaster have been made. The trip will be July 20 – 22, 2021. We have just a couple of openings for this trip. The price is $500 per person based on double occupancy and $620 for a single. If you are interested, please call 304-478-2423 and ask to be on the waiting list. We will let you know for sure in a couple of weeks. We will be going to the Sight and Sound Theater to see “Esther”, to the American Music Theater, Kreider Farms where they milk their cows on a carousel, Kitchen Kettle, and several other attractions.
April 4 – 10 is National Library Week and the 6th is National Library Workers’ Day. Please visit your local library and thank the ladies for their hard work. While you are there check out a book. They have some new additions to their collections.
April 7th (today!) is National Walking Day. Weather permitting you should go out for a walk, even if it’s just in your yard. You have been cooped up in the house too long and it will be good for your spirit and your health.
- In Mississippi, it is illegal for any county or town to pass a law restricting portion sizes.
- In Gary, Indiana, it is illegal to ride a bus or go to a theater within 4 hours after eating garlic.
- In Idaho, it is a crime to give your significant other a box of candy weighing more than 50 pounds.
- In Greene, NY, it is against the law to eat peanuts and walk backwards on a sidewalk while a concert is playing.
- In Indiana, it is illegal for a liquor store to sell refrigerated soda, as well as chilled mineral water, grenadine, ginger ale, and flavoring extracts.
- In Little Rock, AR, it is against the law to honk your car horn after 9 p.m. if you are in front of a sandwich shop or anywhere cold drinks are sold.
- In Beech Grove, IN people cannot eat watermelon in city parks. (Watermelon has been banned from the parks thanks to their sharp rinds puncturing trash bags.)