The list for a trip to Washington, Pa. to the Meadowlands Casino and shopping at the Tanger Outlets is filling up quickly. If you are at all interested in this trip, please contact the Parsons Center and have your name and phone number placed on the list. This trip will be on Monday, April 24, 2017. The price will be $55 per person. You will be notified later of the payment date. This trip will also include a stop at the Sarris Candies Store before returning home. You will be called in the order of the list and you can make your final decision at that time.
A representative from the West Virginia Department of Veteran’s Affairs will be at the Parsons Senior Center on Thursday, January 26, 2017. He will be in the office in the lower level of the Center. If you have any concerns, please come and meet with the representative.
The Swinging to the Music dance/exercise class is a low impact exercise time on Wednesdays at noon at the Parsons Center. You do not have to have any special talents. The dances are very easy to learn and perform. If you can walk, you can do these dances. Even if you have some medical limitations you can participate. If you have any questions, feel free to drop in and observe or call Linda Bonner at 478-2423 or 478-2912.