Alpine Heritage Preservation is partnering with Historic Theatre Consultants to conduct a market feasibility study for Cottrill’s Opera House in Thomas. This study will help to determine the future use, programming, and operating budget for the historic theatre when it reopens. This work is a crucial step towards the building’s redevelopment.
On December 12 – 14, Historic Theatre Consultants will visit Thomas and surrounding Tucker County. Their visit will include conversations with a wide variety of stakeholders, a regional tour, and a survey of the theatre itself. Community members are invited to share their ideas at a focus group on Saturday, December 14, from 1 – 2 PM at the Mt. Top Senior Center on Spruce Street in Thomas.
In the weeks following the consultants’ visit, Alpine Heritage Preservation will distribute a brief survey, which will provide another opportunity for community members to give feedback on potential uses for the Opera House.
The consultant team includes Herb Stratford of Historic Theatre Consultants, based in Tucson, Arizona, along with Mary Bosch of Marketek, based in Portland, Oregon. Matt Hauger, President of Alpine Heritage Preservation commented, “We’re excited to move forward with the Opera House’s redevelopment. As we do, we want to listen to our neighbors and fellow residents, so that we can identify realistic potential uses for the building and plan for the long-term survival of this historic and cultural asset.”
This market study project is being funded by a grant from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, administered by the county’s Cultural District Authority.