The St. John’s United Methodist Church children and youth will present their Christmas celebration on December 22 at 7 p.m.

There will be welcoming recitations from Kennedy Aker and Harley Herron, the elementary aged children of the church will present “Let Your Star So Shine,” an inviting tale about how the stars of heaven helped to announce the birth of the Son of God that first Christmas night. Characters include the Twinkle Twins: Marissa Judy and Hannah Swisher, Starlight and Starbright: Reagan Herron and Jared Reall, Scooter and Shooter: Ryan Scott and Cameron Judy, Dazzle: Sydney Lambert, Staria: Shylynn Snyder, Flicker and Sparkler: Sadie Ends and Taylor Scott, the dull little star made with love, Starla East: Maria Hess, the voice of God: Axle Purnell and narrator: Sarah Judy.
After the children’s play, the youth will present their Christmas musical “Mission Possible,” a delightful rendition of how God the Father uses His “Triple A Angel Agents” to defeat the forces of D.A.R.K. and guide the humans in preparing for and assisting with the Messiah’s birth. The cast features: Agent 99: Dewayne Purnell, Agent Trip: Madison Reall, Levi: Ryan Hart, Ruth: Olivia Goff, Leah: Katee Moore, Jacob: Brett Reall, Samuel: Gary Meloy, Miriam: Dominique Meadows, Benjamin: Justin Purnell, Rachel: Amber Price, Martha: Lacey Cross, Sarah: Candy Cross, Anna: Maria Hess, Herod: Christian Purnell, Shepherds: Isaiah Meloy, Evan Swisher, Noah Lipscomb, Cody Price, Wisemen: Jasper Snyder, Wayne Snyder, Shane Snyder, the children as the angel choir and star patrol, and Harold Celestial: Axle Purnell.
The church is located at 107 River Street and there is no cost to attend the performance. All are welcome! For more information please contact Rev. Philip Dent at 478-1144.