By Heather Clower
The Parsons Advocate
Between January 13 and January 25, the Tucker County Clerk’s Office was a busy place as interested residents of Tucker County filled out their packets and paid the filing fee to earn a place on the election ballot this May. The purpose of the primary election is to narrow down the candidate field to one representative from the democratic and republican parties, in addition to any independent candidates, to choose from in November’s general election. All filing’s must have been received or postmarked by January 25 to be considered for this election, with the exception of independents that have until the end of July to file. Independents do not have to run in the primary election, but they must complete additional criteria such as a petition to have their name in for consideration.
One of three County Commission positions is up for grab with a six year term being awarded to the individual with the most votes in November. Candidates must reside in the Shaver’s Fork District to be eligible to run. On the Republican side, incumbent Jon Bush of Parsons has filed, and on the Democrat side is former county commissioner Michael “Mike” Rosenau, also of Parsons.
Prosecuting Attorney Raymond LaMora III, a Republican from Parsons, has filed for consideration of a third, four year term. Member of the Democratic Party and Davis resident Savannah Hull Wilkins has submitted her candidate packet for consideration as well. Both will appear again on the November election ballot.
With a two term limit, Tucker County Sheriff B.K. Wilfong is ineligible to run for the same position. Republican Jerry B. Flanagan of Thomas has filed as a hopeful candidate to fulfill this position. Independent Jake Kopec of Parsons will also appear on the ballot, however not until November due to his party affiliation.
There is only one candidate filed for the position of Assessor, and that is incumbent J. Chris Michael, Republican of Parsons.
There are two Magistrates, non-partisan positions up for election in 2020. Division One candidates will consist of the incumbent Riley H. Barb, along with Sheila DeVilder, and Mark Myers. Division Two, formerly represented by Mont Miller, has two filings of Christopher Phares and Brian K. Wilfong.
The Tucker County Board of Education has two positions that are coming available, with the two incumbents re-filing to remain on this board. Daniel “Chopper” Evans of Hambleton and Tim Turner of Parsons will both re-appear on the ballot in May to continue their service.
The final position that will appear on the primary election form is that of Conservation District Supervisor. This is also a non-partisan position with two applicants, incumbent James B. Nester Sr. and Heather Freeman-Clower.
There are multiple candidates filed for positions on the district, state, and national level as well. All information on these individuals can be found online at www.sos.wv.gov. If you are of 18 years of age or older and are not registered to vote but wish to be, you can visit the second floor of the Tucker County Courthouse Annex where you will find the Tucker County Clerk’s Office. The staff will guide you in the registration process and instruct you on where your dedicated polling place will be. Good luck to all of the filed candidates on the upcoming election.