ELKINS – Local amateur radio operators gathered to celebrate the holidays and elect new officers. Moore resident Mike Canfield was tapped to serve as president of the Mountain State Transmitters Amateur Radio Club during 2015.

Other officers include Morris Kittle, vice president and Jeff Broschart, secretary/treasurer. Canfield said he has 10 goals as president including expanding membership of the club.
“I welcome those who would like to learn more about amateur radio to join us for a meeting,” Canfield said. “We meet the first Sunday of the month in Elkins at the Randolph Technical Center.”
Canfield said the group promotes the hobby of amateur, or “ham” radio operations, and also assists in Tucker County during times of emergency by providing communications.
“We are also going to try to bring in the VE, or volunteer examiners team in with us in Tucker County,” Canfield said. “These folks are the ones who administer the tests to those looking for a new amateur radio license and those who are looking to upgrade their current amateur radio license.”
Canfield said amateur radio is a fun hobby, with many different activities.
“We do fox hunts, participate with the E-911 Center during emergencies and we have a Field Day Event at Camp Kidd the last weekend in June,” Canfield said. “We have a diverse group of members – some members in Tucker, Upshur and Randolph counties.”
Kittle said he is happy to serve as vice president.
“I have held all of the offices in the club over the years and I am happy to be the vice president,” Kittle said. “I have been in ham radio for 38 years.”
Kittle, who lives in Elkins, said he has always been interested in electronics.
“I had a colleague named Roy Romine, who was a math teacher,” Kittle said. “His brother had a ham radio license and it was around the time of the CB craze. It heightened my interest about radio in general. I went over to his brother’s house in Barbour County and began learning about Morse code. I was soon licensed in 1976.”
Additional information about the Mountain State Transmitters is available by calling Canfield at 304-478-2361.