By Dan Geohagan
The Parsons Advocate
Thomas, WV- This week in our continued article about the many churches of Tucker County which, in total are 49, we will be speaking with Father Grassi from the Catholic church. There are two Catholic churches located in Tucker County. One, Our Lady of Mercy, is located in Parsons and the other. St. Thomas Aquinas is located in Thomas.
Some of the goals that the Catholic church shares with others churches in our community is the sense of outreach. “I think one of the important things to do is to respond to their faith” Said Father Grassi. “And to be active in their faith. Especially the younger families with their children.”
As we continued to discuss the community and the actions therein, Father Grassi shared one of his goals which rings true with most of our denominations in the community. “If there was a goal I would like to see the children more involved in mass and parish activities,” Said Father Grassi. “And to try to get them to see their faith as the number one priority of their life. Even above sports that take place on Sundays.”
One of the unique differences of the Catholic church is the priesthood itself. In the priesthood of the Catholic church the priest takes an oath of celibacy and devotes his life to the church. “The priesthood is something that is significantly unique in the Catholic church,” Said Father Grassi. “In so far as, the man has given his life over so that he has the ability to give himself entirely to the people. That’s not to say that other pastors do not do that but other pastors have families and wives. The Catholic priest takes upon himself celibacy and not getting married makes him more available on some respects to the people. This also though, sets them apart. The priest is not going to be able to say that I have lived through all that the people have lived through, but the objectivity that gives to the priest is very valuable. There is times where that objectivity where you don’t actually have to live through everything to be able to help the objective.”
The Catholic church is very active in the community. The church participates in local food banks and other things such as the aide of care for the Knights of Columbus park in Thomas. “I think it is very nessacry here, (that we work together) than say in unban areas,” Said Father Grassi. “Because our numbers are small in all our communities and in all our congregations. So if we don’t work together it’s a real issue. Up on the mountain we have the Blackwater Ministerial Association. We work with the food pantry and Christmas baskets, the Thanksgiving dinner we do here at the parish we served around 190 meals but of course it is all ecumenical.”
Another thing that makes the Catholic church different and original is the amount of tradition that is instilled in the very essence of the church. “The Catholic church is steeped in tradition,” Said Father Grassi. “It is a tradition that goes back 2000 years. Everyone knows that we have a Pope for example and that Pope we see as going all the way back to St. Peter. That puts a different structure into our faith, and is important to who we are.”