Seven Tucker County residents were appointed by Governor Tomblin to serve on the first ever County Cultural District Board in the state.
Senate Bill No. 561 provided for the formation of this board. The purpose of this bill is to establish a board that would be authorized to promote the cultural, artistic, historical, educational and recreational opportunities available in our county with the goal of increasing tourism and economic opportunities.
Lynn Phillips, representing Governor Tomblin, was on hand to announce the names at the Tucker County Commission Meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
Residents named to the board are Robert Burns, Steve Haid, L.E. Herrick, Brad Moore, Tim Turner, Seth Pitt, and County Commissioner Diane Hinkle.
Robert Burns, of Parsons, is a direct descendent of Captain Parsons, one of the first settlers in the county. Burns also serves as the Executive Director of the Tucker Community Foundation, and has a background in finance and grant writing.
Steve Haid, of Canaan Valley has worked extensively with three governors, has a P.H.D. in history from WVU and is a partner at Maple Creative Public Relations, Business Development and Political Consulting.
L.E. Herrick, of Dry Fork is a former Federal Program Manager and has a background in establishing organizational standard operating procedures and by-laws. He is a patron of the arts and an outdoor enthusiast.
Brad Moore, of Thomas is a lifelong student of West Virginia History and has a keen appreciation for the value of local stories and the need to have them recorded. He has a background in mining.
Tim Turner, of Parsons has an educational background and is a member of the Tucker County Board of Education. He has an extensive collection of pictures and local trivia.
Seth Pitt, of Thomas is a full time local artist. He is a board member of Art Spring and co-owner of the White Room art gallery.
Commissioner Diane Hinkle, of Jenningston is the development director for the Tucker Community Foundation and has experience in policy development, grant writing and networking.
County Clerk, Sherry Simmons, administered the oath of office to all newly appointed board members except Steve Haid, who was unable to attend.
A luncheon reception, catered by Carrie and Cade Archuleta of Tip Top featuring Farmers Tan and Caprese Sandwiches and Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Bisque, was held following the meeting to welcome the new board.
After the luncheon the newly created board held their first meeting.