TCHS Athletes that signed at letter of intent on May 14th (L-R): Isaac Cole, Aiyana Kachmarek, Wes Knotts, Michael Callaway, Marshall Whisner and Kelsey Kyle
By Dave Helmick
HAMBLETON – It was a big day on Thursday May 14th at Tucker County High School when six Tucker County athletes signed college letters of intent to extend their playing careers at the next level.
Isaac Cole signed a letter of intent with Alderson-Broaddus to continue his football career in Philippi. Marshall Whisner will play football at the next level as he signed a letter of intent with Glenville State College. Michael Callaway signed his name on the letter of intent to play football at Bluefield College in Virginia.
Wes Knotts signed a letter of intent to continue his track career at WV Wesleyan College in Buckhannon. Aiyana Kachmarek will also be attending WV Wesleyan College next year as she signed a letter of intent to continue her track career in Buckhannon also. Last, but not least Kelsey Kyle signed a letter of intent to compete in Acro Tumbling at Fairmont State University. For more pictures visit the TuckerCountySports.Com facebook page.