PARSONS – The sweet smell of hot chocolate and the laughter of little ones filled the air Saturday in Parsons as thousands joined to celebrate“A Small City with a Big Heart Christmas.”

The parade featured more than 50 entries including floats, fire trucks, twirlers and many other groups gearing up to celebrate the arrival of Christmas. Prior to the parade, folks enjoyed roasted marshmallows, s’mores, hotdogs, sleigh rides and hay rides. Following the parade, fireworks filled the air as folks gathered at the Parsons Fire House to visit with old St. Nick.
Mike Rosenau, Tucker County Commissioner for the past six years, served as Parade Marshall. Following the parade, Tucker County Commissioner Lowell Moore and Parsons City Councilman Bruce Kolsun presented Rosenau with a plaque honoring his service to residents of Tucker County.
“Commissioner Mike Rosenau is more than deserving of this honor because of his many years of dedicated service to the Tucker County community,” said Mayor Dorothy Judy. “Mike has served as a councilman on Parsons City Council, secretary on the Parsons Park Board and six years on the Tucker County Commission.”
Moore congratulated Rosenau for his service to the community.

“It has been a pleasure and an honor to work with you for the last six years,” Moore said. “You have accomplished a lot and you dedicated your time and your heart to this job. I know the residents of Tucker County appreciate you and you will be missed at the Commission.”
Rosenau said it was an honor to serve Tucker County.
I really appreciate this,” Rosenau said.
Kolsun presented Rosenau with a plaque, commemorating his part in leading the “Small City with a Big Heart Christmas” parade.
“This plaque is in recognition for serving as Grand Marshal of our parade,” Kolsun said. “I appreciate the service you have given for those in Tucker County. We appreciate you and you will be missed. You have served Tucker County well.”
As the parade made its way through town, Pleasant Valley Dream Rides from Oakland, Md. carried families through the streets on an old fashioned sleigh ride. Folks stopped by to roast marshmallows and make s’mores, along with hot chocolate and hot dogs.
Three top place winners were selected from those entries in the parade. First place went to the Tucker County Veterans Association, second place was captured by the Tucker County Family Resource Center and third place was awarded to the Tucker County ATV-UTV Group.
The Barbour County Strutters were selected as the best of show in twirlette groups. This is the 13th consecutive year the group has traveled to and performed during the Tucker County Christmas Parade.
After much anticipation, Santa and Mrs. Claus made their appearance, rounding out the parade. Santa rang his bell, laughed until his tummy shook and wished everyone a ‘Very, Merry Christmas.’