All hands on deck for the new Pirate ship located in Mill Race Park. City Administrator/Treasurer, Jason Myers said, “This is just one of the things that the Park Board has in store for Mill Race Park.”
The first additions were the new signs that grace the entrance to both of Parsons parks. The monies for the ship came from the Harman Fund and it was constructed by R.A. Taylor Enterprises of Philippi. It is Amish built and consists of a slide, two swings, a climbing wall and an upper and lower deck on the ship.
At this time the Park Board is looking for a supplier of blue rubber mulch that will make the experience at sea much more realistic.

The tennis court will have the existing surface completely stripped and resurfaced by Foam Coat, of Davisville, at a total cost of $16,000, a new basketball court will be constructed in Mill Race and all the pavilions are going to be re-roofed. There will also be auto-locks installed on the bathrooms that will automatically lock at 8 p.m. and unlock at 7 a.m.
The see-saw and monkey bars have been removed from River City Park and the Park Board is looking forward to installing new play ground equipment. Myers stated that Thrasher Engineering has signed a contract for engineering and designing the new splash park.