The Tucker County Board of Education met in regular session recently at Davis-Thomas Elementary Middle School. With all but one board member present and following the Pledge of Allegiance, the board heard special presentations.

A local representative from the Tucker County Education Association read a letter to Governor Tomblin that the association was hoping to have an endorsement on from the board. The letter was an initiative to support the raise of teacher’s pay statewide. The group would love to see a starting teacher’s salary of $43,000 by the year 2019 stating that it is becoming more difficult to attract younger skilled teachers and keep them in West Virginia. A discussion was held on the lack of up and coming teachers and of the personal funds that most teachers spend on their classrooms. Board President Janet Preston said that it was important to note that it would not be the local school board giving the raise but the state itself. The monies would come from the state to Tucker County for the raise.
The next special presentation was by the D.T.E.M.S. Local School Improvement Council (L.S.I.C.). Principal Lambert, and representatives from the L.S.I.C., P.T.O., and teachers. Some items listed of concern were the roof, asbestos floor tiles, the condition of room 2, bleachers, a water pump so old they often can’t get parts and have to have them made, and a broken dishwasher to name several. They also told of their plans to address the label of “transitional school” and of two new learning programs they’ve incorporated in the elementary- Right Start Math and Fundations (reading) these programs were given glowing reports by the teachers in attendance. Several of these programs were purchased by funds raised by the D.T.E.M.S. P.T.O. Superintendent Campbell congratulated the P.T.O. saying that one of the commendations earned by Davis-Thomas from the O.E.P.A. was their co-operation from the P.T.O. and their purchase of educational programs in lieu of things like playground equipment. Tina Bonner of the P.T.O. said their next major fund-raising efforts would most probably be the bleachers which are in sad shape.
Following special presentations, having no delegations pertaining to agenda items, and with only minor agenda adjustments the board moved to consent items. The board approved the minutes of the prior meeting, vendor accounts and paid bills, and work on classroom #2 at D.T.E.M.S. (work not required to be bid out since it falls below the minimum amount required for bid jobs) . The board approved the next lowest bid on a dishwasher for Davis-Thomas after the lowest bid contractor failed to be able to install the quoted dishwasher without a major electrical overhaul. The previous bidder did however remove the old washer at no charge to the school. The next bidder on the list is Hooten who will be installing a Hobart dishwasher at the school. Also heard were the intent to homeschool. It was noted that approximately 50 children in the county are currently being homeschooled. The board voted to support the letter to Governor Tomblin on behalf of the WVEA and The TCEA. (Board member Turner abstained from this vote, as its outcome would have an effect on him personally in his private job.)
Following the Transportation and Board Committee reports and having no delegations pertaining to non-agenda items, the board moved into Personnel/Legal matters. Due to the large size of the upcoming kindergarten class at D.T.E.M.S. , the board approved the creation of a new full-time first grade teacher for the school year 2015-2016. The board also approved the resignation of Paula J. Harsh as substitute custodian effective immediately.
Having no further business, the board adjourned before entering into a work session. The next meeting of the Tucker County Board of Education will be held on Monday, December 1, 2014 at the Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School at 4:30 p.m.