The Tucker County Board of Education met recently in regular session. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and with all board members present the meeting went into special presentations.

Paul “Butch” Burns, Tucker County Assessor was on hand to discuss with the board the proposed excess school levy and the impact it would have on tax increases. Burns gave an example that a homeowner with a home of an appraised value of $125,000.00 would only see an increase of $38.70 per year if the levy passes.
For example:
Owner occupied home (Class 2 taxes) appraised at $125,000.00
Assessed at 60% of the appraised value $75,000.00
Would pay $38.70
Owners with homestead exemptions would pay even less than that.
Burns said the larger portion of the tax burden would fall on Class 3 and Class 4 taxes, things like personal property, commercial property, etc.
Following the special presentation, and having no delegations pertaining to agenda items, the board approved minor agenda adjustments.
The board then went on and reviewed each consent item separately and approved them as a whole.
Dave Lambert gave the monthly financial report for August. Lambert said that approximately 78% of employees are now participating in direct deposit of their paychecks and that they’ve had no issues with the direct deposits. He noted that the board saw a time savings on labor from ten hours to do payroll down to about 2 hours. Lambert also said that of the approximately 60 checks still being printed that over half were to substitutes and felt that perhaps they were not aware that even though they are substitutes they can still take part of and are encouraged to participate in the direct deposit program.
The board also approved paying vendor’s accounts and payroll checks.
The board approved the following out of state personnel and field trip requests:
T.C.H.S. All Star Students on an incentive field trip to Rich Farms in Pennsylvania on October 29, 2014.
T.C.H.S.- F.F.A. students and Terry Hauser to accompany the students to the National F.F.A. Convention in Louisville, KY. From October 28- November 2, 2014.
The board also approved the following Job Shadow Work Sites:
Randolph County Commission, Elkins, WV
Canaan Valley Resort, Davis, WV
Canaan Valley Horse Stables, Davis, WV
Newlon’s Auto Body and Mechanic Shop, Elkins, WV
The board then moved into information reports.
During the Transportation Report it was noted that the new bus is here and on the road.
M. Parsons reported on Extension Services and 4-H, both of which came out in support of the school levy.
J. Parsons reported that she had attended a recent RESA meeting where our county was commended for being one of the leaders in the state regarding our participation in the Farm to School programs.
Other board members reported on their committees.
Having no delegations pertaining to non-agenda items, the board moved to Personnel/Legal Matters.
The board created a new position for next year’s school year at D.T.E.M.S. of a half time Science teacher/ half time Social Studies teacher.
The board approved the employment of Grace Snyder, Cook 2, D.T.E.M.S.
The board approved the following reclassifications of employees due to the state creating a new classification for aides who work with pre-k and kindergarten. The affected employees will not stop accruing their seniority due to this reclassification.
Comonia Channels- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Temporary)/Aide.
Margaret Harper- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Temporary)/Aide.
Trina Carr- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Paraprofessional)/ Aide.
Renee Nestor- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Temporary)/ Aide.
Bonnie White- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Temporary)/Aide.
Teresa Evans- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Permanent)/ Aide.
Linda Nelson- From Aide to Early Childhood Assistant Teacher (Temporary)/ Aide.
The temporary, permanent, and paraprofessional categories do not indicate their employment status or length but are part of the classifications. The aides will be taking furthering online courses (paid for by the state) to achieve their classifications, and any aides due to retire by the year 2020 are not obligated to take on the entire course studies.
The board also approved the following extra-curricular employments:
Mike Consla- Ticket Taker, county-wide, as needed.
Janelle Paul- Head Girls Basketball Coach, D.T.E.M.S.
Del Gainer- Volunteer Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, D.T.E.M.S.
Having no further business the board adjourned.
The next meeting of the Tucker County Board of Education will be held on Monday November 3, 2014 at the TUCKER COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL at 4:30 p.m. where Principal Hamric is slated to give presentation on the high school’s goals.