The Parsons Advocate
Alicia Lambert, Principal at Davis Thomas Elementary School, welcomed students, families and teachers to the Class of 2018 Celebration. The gym was transformed into an atmosphere of party celebration and everyone enjoyed the PowerPoint created by the 8th graders under the guidance of Elspeth DeLeurere.
Congratulations went to Mallikye Ware and Mackenzie Lyons, voted Eighth Grade Boy and Girl for 2018.
Spanish certificates handed out by Amanda Kisamore went to: Trinity Dawn Bever, Logan Andrew Husk, Nevaeh Zane Nichols, Owen McNeil Porter, Isaac Walker Quattro, Harper Ford Russell, Daniel Joseph Snyder, and Karlie Beth Thompson.
Laurie Godfrey recognized this year’s Student Council: President, Laurie Nichols ; Vice-president, Trinity Bever; Secretary, Logan Husk; and Treasurer, Owen Porter.
Alicia Lambert and Judy Pitzer presented the certificates.
Some of the noted advise from departing 8th graders included:
Trinity, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Travis, “Be the game changer.”
Blake, “I lost.”
Justin, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
Alex, ” Like your friends.”
Logan, “Chase your dreams.”
Mackenzie, “Always smile.”
Nevaeh, “Be strong, things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it doesn’t rain forever.”
Harper, “Some people call it luck, I call it dedication.”
Wayne, “Life is only what you imagine it to be.”
Gracie, “Love is strange and mysterious, just like jelly beans.”
Tori, “Dreamers dream big.”
Mallikye, “When is it due again?”
Karlie, “Surrounding yourself with good company is imperative.”
Zaden, “I think it is fine.”
Daniel, “Live life fast.”
Devin, “Eighth grade can do anything.”
Owen, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Kiley, “Reach for the stars.”
Matthew, “Live everyday like it’s your last.”
Isaac, “Wake up the next day like it’s a new day.”
Nick, “Don’t stop believing in dreams, keep sleeping.”
Dillon, “I had a clever quote in mind, but I forgot.”
Emilie, “Play nice with the other kids, unless, of course, one of the other kids wanna fight, then you have to kick the other kid’s butt.”