Momma Said

Momma Said

  By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate Halloween is just around the corner and it was an exciting time for us when we were kids.  Back then we did not have to worry about getting candy with razor blades in it.  We didn’t have to wait until we got home...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate In a few weeks I am going to be going on my first deer hunt in a long time.  My nephew has invited me down to hunt with him and I think it is about time I got back out in the woods.  My...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I think the next Stimulus Package should include stimulating people to get off their butts and go out and get a job.  You cannot walk into any business in our area that does not have a Help Wanted sign in the window.  The unemployment...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate Time is too precious to waste make every minute of every day count for something.  You can never get time back that is one thing that is when it is gone, it is gone.  I really can’t think of a time when Mom wasn’t...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I remember as a child playing games playing games that kids today would probably laugh at.  How many of you out there remember playing with jacks, tiddly winks, pick-up sticks, barrel of monkeys, Lincoln logs, paddle ball?  We had an erector set, lawn darts...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate Do you ever think if deer wonder why there isn’t any “People Crossing” signs posted?  I wonder if that would make a difference.  I think about things like this a lot.  Does that make me a crazy person?  It doesn’t matter either way because...

Momma Said

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I would like to introduce you to my three little nuggets that survived the summer.  This is Harry (for obvious reasons), Bob and Juliette.  I had seven little gems to start with but for reasons due to weather and bugs they did not survive. ...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I do believe my clock is a vampire in disguise because it sucks the life out of batteries.  It seems I am changing batteries out every two weeks.  But I guess they are like everything else, they don’t make them like they used to. ...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton Two more additions to the Jeep, I got the rear wiper motor replaced and the front park light finally went together. I just keep finding things to do to it. I still haven’t figured out the air conditioning leaking inside. It really puzzles me because the garage...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton As the seas get warmer, the storms start earlier each year. It was the norm for hurricane and tropical storm season to start in September. But here it is the middle of August and we are already battling storms the length of the Atlantic Seaboard. The western...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate Well Friends, the Jeep now has another front fender, three doors and new headlights all installed by yours truly.  After installing the new lights, which were harder than putting on the doors, I go out the next morning when it was still dark, turned...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate It is that time of year again for zucchini bread, zucchini cake, zucchini fritters and anything else you can think of to do with them.  I had a volunteer plant come up in the place where I had my garden and I thought at...

Momma Said

Here I am again with dog issues. The vet told me Gracie has not formed her shoulder muscles correctly and this could be an issue with arthritis later down the road. So this week I had to take her back again for a recheck. She is doing okay and the...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I bought an everyday driver this past spring and I am slowly fixing it up so I don’t put so many miles on my pickup.  I have never done anything like this before but I am finding it is kind of fun.  I am...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I hope everyone had a great and safe Independence Day.  I stayed home and had to keep the dog babies safe from the big bad fireworks.  They are scared to death of the noise and I don’t feel I can go out and watch...

Momma Said 

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I don’t usually get too much into politics but this is very much in the forefront today.  President Biden has meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia and I have some observations that I would like to share.  Putin is the leader of a very...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate I know I get my empathy for people from Mom and Gran.  They were the type of people who would do anything for anyone.  If it was in their power to get something done, it was done with gusto.  I try to do that...

Momma Said

Everything is in bloom and this area is absolutely beautiful. I like to go around and see how many species I can identify. I used to work in the landscaping and floral business and I just love flowers. They just make you feel happy to look at them. There are...

Momma Said

The world is full of fakes. There I said it and I mean it. From our highest ranking officials all the way down to the guy standing by the side of the road holding the sign that says I can’t feed my kids. All the while standing there smoking a...

Momma Said

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate Usually when there is a lunar event it is cloudy and I don’t get to see it, but this past week I did get to view the pink super moon.  You had to look hard to see it was pink but there it was. ...

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