Elkins, WV — The Davis Medical Center (DMC) Auxiliary donated funds for the purchase of new equipment used in the treatment of kidney stones.
The new digital flexible ureteroscopy will be used by Urologist Dr. Domingo Chua.
“We really appreciate the generosity of the Auxiliary,” said Kathy Sturm, RN, Director of Surgical Services. “The new technology is a flexible instrument that delivers a higher image resolution; this allows us to remove stones that are difficult to reach and decreases the potential for the patient to have a more invasive procedure.”
Each year the DMC Auxiliary organizes fundraising activities to purchase equipment and items that benefit patient care services and programs. One of the group’s main fundraising projects is the Gift Garden, located in Davis Medical Center. The Gift Garden features flowers, cards, and a variety of gifts.
“Our Auxiliary plays a key role in supporting the patients of Davis Medical Center,” said Valerie Bright, Director of Volunteer Services. “I appreciate each and every member for their dedication and support of the program.”
Anyone interested in becoming part of the DMC Auxiliary can contact Valerie Bright at 304.637.3896.