Tucker County and West Virginia have yet another reason to be proud. In this age where many cities and towns are not allowing sledding for legal reasons, our area is once again proving that we are to be envied.

Who among us hasn’t experienced the childhood thrill of flying down a snow covered hill-side on their trusty sled, flattened cardboard box or occasional garbage can lid. The spills, bruises, and yes, the occasional chipped tooth were all part of the fun as you raced your friends at what seemed like super-sonic speeds while ice crystal stung your eyes and made” ice goobers” on your hair. Thanks to the West Virginia State Parks our children and grandchildren won’t have to miss out on this treasured childhood memory.
This past week the official ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the new and improved sled run at Blackwater Falls State Park. State and local officials, park staff, media and some students and parents from the Laurel Learning Co-operative all got to be kids again for a while. The sled run is located at the same place as the old run but gone are the days of being hauled back up the mountain by a rope behind a pick-up truck. The warming hut is still there welcoming people with hot drinks, soups, and the like.
The improved run at 1500 feet is the longest sled run east of the Mississippi river and also boasts the longest SunKid conveyor system in all of North America.
Park Superintendent Rob Gilligan said that they built their schedule around Tucker County’s School Calendar to encourage the local kids to enjoy. Tucker County youths will be able to take advantage of a special rate of $5.00 on their teacher in-service days and on snow days. The regular rates apply other days. The sledding is held in two-hour sessions. Sledders 5 years and under must ride with an adult and sledders 12 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.
The run is open Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. and again at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. thanks to the addition of lights to the run. The run also has snow making capabilities ensuring a good ride no matter what mother- nature might have in mind.
William “Smitty” Smith was on hand representing the West Virginia Ski Area Association and noted that winter sports in West Virginia make a 250 million dollar economic impact and 5,000 jobs.
“Not everyone clips into boots and gets on to a lift, this gives another alternative”, said Smith.
West Virginia Commerce Secretary, Keith Burdette said the 1.8 million dollar improvements were paid for as part of a bond issue adopted by the state legislature to make improvements at state parks. Burdette said he was most looking forward to the conveyor system ride.
When asked what he thought was special about Tucker County, Burdette answered: “God blessed this place all four seasons but there’s no place like it in the winter months.”
Sam England, West Virginia Chief of Parks, was on hand and said: “We’ve created what we believe is something really good for making family memories.”
England said that this gives people more things to do on the mountain. It’s (Tucker County) a winter mecca and the State Parks want to be a big part of the whole recreation system.
The new run is looking forward to its next big event, its 3rd annual cardboard and duct tape sled race which will be held on February 28th.
Anyone wishing to make some family memories (or perhaps relive some old ones) are welcome to go to www.blackwaterfalls.com for more information.