The Tucker County Board of Education met in regular session this past week. Following the call to order by President Janet Preston with all board members present, and the Pledge of Allegiance, having no public comments or agenda adjustments, the board moved into consent items.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with no changes, and having no transfer or notification of intent to homeschool, the board heard a presentation by representatives of the Senior Class of Tucker County High School.
Senior class advisor Anita Helmick presented the proposed senior class trip itinerary to the board of education with a request for a waiver for the number attending. Helmick commended the students who wished to attend for their hard work at fund-raising. The 19 students planning on attending will be traveling to Myrtle Beach and staying in two separate, chaperoned condominiums. Board policy is that at least 50% of the graduating class must be going on the trip. The 2015 class is historically one of the smallest class in T.C.H.S. history with less than 60 students. While every student was given many opportunities to help raise funds to participate in the trip, the group attending were the ones who actively worked toward that goal raising not only the necessary funds for the trip but also enough to pay for the Senior class’ graduation expenses. (Each senior class has to pay for its own expenses such as:
Stage, draping, flowers, etc.) The board voted unanimously to approve the field trip with the waiver included.
The board then moved on to Personnel Issues where it approved the resignation of:
*Sharon Smith, teacher at Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School, who has taught with Tucker County for 38 ½ years. Superintendent Campbell stated that she would be sorely missed.
*Holly Plunkett, Math teacher, T.C.H.S. who it was noted is going overseas to teach.
*Isaac Kahler, Math teacher, T.C.H.S.
The board also approved applications for substitute teachers and bus aide.
The board proceeded into finance where it approved the paid bills for Dec. 23, 2014- Jan. 13, 2015.
The board approved budget revisions of minor transfers from one program to others. A discussion was held between Dr. Campbell and the board regarding the depletion of funds for professional development leave (training to improve their craft). These monies were from Federal Title II funds which have been cut. It was noted that the board is hoping for grant money to come in again next year that can be used for this. Superintendent Campbell mentioned that this was not to be confused with Professional leave which comes out of our general funds. Discussion was also held on the underuse of the PD360 program, a program which cost the board around $15,000. Discussions have been held with the developers of the program for user support. Training for the principals to be able to better work with their staff on its use was discussed.
“We’re definitely not using it the way we can use it, it’s a wonderful tool if you use it. It’s not just something you can log on to it with a password and get something out of it though,” said Campbell.
Having no old or new business the board continued into other business where it approved the Transportation Supervisor’s Report for December.
The board members gave committee updates.
M. Parsons reported that the W.V.U. Extension Services will hold a public meeting for input on what type of extension agent is wanted in Tucker County. He encouraged the public to attend the meeting and voice their opinion on February 23, at 1 p.m. at the Courthouse in the old courtroom.
K. White reported that he has a safety committee meeting scheduled .
J. Preston reported on items of interest from the recent RESA 7 meeting. Of note was a program on how to survive an active shooter situation. The program called BRIM is endorsed by the WV State Police and is at no cost to school systems. Superintendent Campbell said they were aware of the program and plan on utilizing it.
Superintendent Campbell gave his report. The board were given for review a draft copy of the new Professional Staff Policy and Campbell encouraged board members to review and ask any questions they may have. The board were also given draft copies of the 2015-2016 school calendar. Two public meetings will be held (slated for April) before formal adoption of next school year’s calendar.
Campbell also reported that the individual student growth reports were finally back from the state and that the principals now have access to those.
The Superintendent also reported that the 3rd and 8th grade critical skills grant from the state is now cut. This had provided $25,000.00 in funding for us. He did say there was some funding available through the WVBOE Policy #2512 the Transformative System of Support for Early Literacy. The purpose of which is to get students up to literacy level by grade 3. The amount of funding is unknown at this time and they are actively working on submitting the required plan to the state before the April 1st proposal due date.
Superintendent Campbell also said that Tucker County students will again this year be participating in J.A.M. (Just A Minute) again this year. It is an initiative that gets students up and moving for sixty seconds ie… dancing to a song, at the same time across the entire country. West Virginia has set a world record for this the past two years and hopes to do the same for a third year this time. The event will be on February 12.
Having no further business the board adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, February 2, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. at the Tucker County Board of Education Annex. For information call 304-478-2771.