The Board of Education met recently at the Tucker County High School with all members present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the board recognized the Tucker County Youth Football “B” team.

The team was the recent winners of the Preston County Youth Football League championship by defeating Kingwood 6-0 finishing a perfect 12-0 season. The team consisted of 17 young men, second and third graders, from both Tucker Valley and Davis-Thomas Elementary Middle Schools. The boys were recognized individually and giving certificates from the board. Superintendent Campbell, whose son plays on the team, did the presenting and said they worked hard, they listened, and they’re a real treat to be around. Following the presentation everyone was treated to refreshments by the high school’s own ProStart program.
The board then went on to hear a special presentation by the TCHS LSIC. The presentation was given by Principal Jay Hamric and input by several faculty members. Hamric said that he and the leadership team started meeting last spring to determine their strategic plan for the high school. He outlined three areas they wanted to better serve the students, namely, differentiated instruction, producing evidence- based artifacts, and student organizational skill and accountability. Hamric noted that the school is weathering, the furniture is aging as is the air conditioning, and that there is a lack of instructional resources (science labs, art materials, text book conditions). He also said that in December the S3 grant is ending which, unless alternative funding is found, will mean the end to student incentive field trips. He explained that the state is also pushing for every high school to have one-on-one technology (one device for every student). Hamrick said he would love to see more STEM classes: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mechanical. If he had a wish list, Hamric said he would like to have another Science teacher, especially one who could teach Physics.
After Principal Hamric’s presentation and following minor agenda adjustments the board moved to consent items where it approved the minutes of the previous meeting, financial report, budget supplements and transfers, and vendors accounts and paid bills including payroll of almost $200,000.00.
Student transfer requests and notifications of intent to homeschool were heard, as were out of state professional leave and field trip requests. The West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2510 was discussed and the board approved the list of concentrations for TCHS as submitted by the principal.
The board were also given a list of the Superintendent’s goals which were revised to reflect the board’s input from an October work session. Some of the goals listed were: every student demonstrates academic improvement and success; make decisions that improve and maintain the public trust; excellent staff will be recruited, supported, and maintained; every school will be a positive, safe, and inclusive learning environment; and by July 1, 2015 the board will be presented with an updated, revised policy manual.
The board then entered into information reports where a work session was scheduled to discuss the board facilities plan and the submission of a “Needs” project request to the School Building Authority.
The board the proceeded to committee reports where each member reported on committees they serve. Notably, M. Parsons reported that Extension Agent Jennifer Poling has resigned and that this was a big loss for our county.
Having no delegations pertaining to non-agenda items the board moved on to personnel/ legal matters.
The board approved the following personnel matters:
Steve Hull- Teacher, ½ Science- ½ Social Studies, grades 6-8 DTEMS, school year 2015-2016.
Bridgette Strawser- Volunteer Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, TVEMS (pending certification/CIB)
D. Paul Nestor- Substitute Custodian, Tucker County Schools.
The board then went into executive session to review and act upon student discipline of two Tucker County High School students. No hearing has been requested by either student or their family. The board then moved to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to expel both student A and B for 365 days for a violation of the Safe Schools Act, WVBOE Policy 4373 and the Tucker County Student Code of Conduct.
Having no further business the board adjourned until the next meeting on Monday, November 17, 2014 at Davis Thomas Elementary Middle School at 4:30 p.m.