PARSONS – The Good Vibes Skate Haven Skate Park, located in River City Park in Parsons, has expanded and members of the Parsons Park Board and local skaters using the park are excited about its growth.

Workers spread concrete for an expansion of the Good Vibes Skate Haven Skate Park in Parsons.
Jason Myers, Parsons City Manager/Treasurer, said a group of 20 to 30 local kids approached the park board in 2009 about installing a skate park.
“They were being chased off from the businesses when riding their skateboards,” Myers said. “They felt their sport was just as important as baseball, football, basketball or other sports.”
Myers said one of the things that helped skaters get their need across was the fact that neighboring city Elkins was getting their skate park in place at the time.
“The kids thought they deserved a space as well,” Myers said. “The Park Board empowered them, asking them to come back with ideas. The board included a skate park in their master plan, developed in 2010.”
Myers said Sunrise Construction installed the concrete pad when the original skate park was constructed.
“We were successful in June 2010 and received a grant from Tony Hawk,” Myers said. “We also received a grant from Land and Water Conservation. It provided $25,000 from Federal Funds and we put up $25,000 from the Harman Fund. The whole project, excluding the grants, was funded by the Harman Fund.”
Myers said the current pad is 40 by 80 feet, and it was completed in June 2013. He said the current expansion will include a half-pipe.
Obstacles included in the skate park include a quarter pipe, bank, fun box featuring rounded rail and stairs, a flat rail, bench, a kicker, a manual pad and a bi-level skate pad featuring a built-in bank and stairs connecting the two levels.
Kennetha Greenlief, from the Parsons Park Board, said all the equipment gives riders the ability to skate around while also being able to do several tricks within their level of skating.
“The new addition includes a new skate pad that connects to the existing pad with a small bank on one side and a small set of stairs to be used as a gap,” Greenlief said. “Next summer a new half pipe will be installed onto the new pad.”
Greenlief said the new features in the skate park are by request of the skaters that use the park based on how they want to see the park grow.
Skater Joseph Hess said he wants the new half pipe so he can try something new to advance his skills. “I want to help encourage new people to enjoy the park so more events can be held there.”
Eli Reynolds said he wants a new half pipe. “I think it will help all the skaters improve on their varying skills and the new pad will help with street skating with the new stairs and bank.”
Jordan Leard said the addition of the pad and half pipe benefits him by giving more options to skate and broaden his abilities.
“I skate at the Elkins Skate Park and they have multiple quarter pipes and they have a mini half pipe,” Leard said. “This eliminates the need to travel to a different place to skate and use a bigger park and have more options. I also talk to people that are tourists to Parsons and they are happy that we have a skate park but they wished it were bigger. I talk to skaters from other areas and they think it is great that a small town has a skate park and that there are additions. I think that the bigger the park the more likely it will benefit the local community and the surrounding areas. We have places like Canaan and Blackwater where tourists stay. Chances are there is going to be someone who is either a skater or someone that is interested in the sport. Who knows – a pro might be staying in Canaan and catch word of the park and shoot a demo. It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds.”
Henry Thompson said he likes the additions because it adds something for more veteran skaters to try and ride on.
Greenlief said the skate park brings the advantage of giving the youth somewhere safe to spend their time while enjoying a sport that keeps them active.
Hess said the skate park keeps him out of trouble, which his mom loves, while giving him something to do with his time outside of school allowing him to meet new people that share the same interest as he does.
Reynolds said the skate park benefits him because he always turns to skating when he is having a day that isn’t going good plus it makes a good day better.
Leard said going to the skate park gives kids something to do. “You and I both know that in this small town there are limited things to do. It really does give me something to do and it is fun and good exercise. It gets me out of the house. Kids these days spend too much time inside and don’t go outside enough. I feel that the additions to the park give anyone of any skill set to have fun in the park. It keeps it from getting boring. So if you’re just learning how to skate, or have been skating for years, there’s something for you.”
It personally allows me to go somewhere and have something to do,” Thompson said. “It is a good workout as well.”
Greenlief said another addition the skate park is working on is a mural that is being constructed by the skaters that use the park.
“It will be a symbol of the park for the skaters to proudly display to be located on the fence line that separates the park from the ball field. This mural will feature the skate park name “Good Vibes Skate Haven” along with artistic elements compiled by the skaters working on the mural.”
The skate park is also working on forming a volunteer group compiled of all ages to help assist in the planning of events and fundraisers for the park. These volunteers would have a monthly meeting throughout the year to discuss future plans and events held by and for the skate park. The volunteers who help with the skate park are the back bone that keeps the park clean and safe to use. Throughout the season they take it upon themselves to pick up trash at the park, make sure the equipment is in good working order along with teaching beginner skaters the art of skating while helping out with planned events and fundraisers. The more volunteers the park can get to help out the more events and fundraisers the park will be able to host. Anyone interested in being involved in this effort can contact the skate page on their Facebook page by searching “Good Vibes Skate Haven” for more information.
Hess said he likes the new addition to the skate park. “It makes it a lot roomier.”
Reynolds said he would like to say thank you to the City of Parsons and the Park Board for adding the new addition to the skate park. “I greatly appreciate and enjoy it.”
“It has been great seeing the skate park being used by the older skaters and new skaters alike,” Thompson said. “The new addition will be good to expand the park to better and better skaters.”