Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School is trying something new this year. Some may like it, some may not, but Dr. Seuss would say…the students like it a lot!!

As part of National Reading month and in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday the students at Tucker Valley will be enjoying a whole month of fun activities. Title I staff has taken the initiative to expand reading not only at school but at home too. We have asked our students to read a total of 20,000 minutes at home during the month of March. As they bring in their reading slips they are tallied and then entered into a prize for a Dr. Seuss basket full of surprises. The room who reads the most minutes will win a pizza party. In addition, to our reading goals we have come together with our cooking staff that provided us with a lunch of green eggs and ham. Our cooks were so generous that they expanded the program and had a week of prizes with the lunch or breakfast. Students were very happy to receive the bookmarks and prizes.
Next week, the staff along with numerous parent volunteers, are planning to have a reading café where parents will come in and read Dr. Seuss books to the students and will provide educational activities for classroom use. During the third and fourth weeks of March students will play “book bingo” for a chance to win leveled books for additional home use and will enjoy a school wide Dr. Seuss movie while wearing their comfy pajamas.
Title I goals are to increase reading at home because studies show that a mere 40 minutes per night will move a child to the 90th percentile and to provide opportunities for parent involvement. We’d like to thank everyone who is involved in this venture.
Submitted by Tracy Harlan