Momma Said

Momma Said for February 25, 2014

The school system is scrambling to find a way to fill the required 180 days of instruction for West Virginia schools. My solution is to change the school calendar from the summer break to the winter break. Kids start school, then they are off for Labor Day. Go back to...

Momma Said for February 18, 2014

I hope everyone has gotten shoveled out from the latest round of snow storms. I can’t remember a winter where we had so many storms, that the weather service has started naming them. It is crazy weather when it is 29 degrees here and 60 degrees in Russia at the...

Momma Said for February 11, 2014

Why does something as easy as falling asleep have to be so complicated?  I wish I could sleep like I did as a child.  No worries creeping up on you just as you are about to slip over the edge of oblivion.  No feelings of forgetting to do something important...

Momma Said for January 28, 2014

Wouldn’t it be great if it would snow in color? You could get up in the morning, look out the window and see six inches of beautiful green snow. It would look like spring but you wouldn’t have to mow it. It would lift your spirits just to see that...

Momma Said for January 21, 2014

2014 is not looking very bright for me so far. I just had to have my poor kitty put down. She was 19 years old and a big part of my family. That same evening my dog, Bailey, started having seizures. That was a very long night. She is still...

Momma Said for January 14, 2014

DO YOU THINK IT WILL SNOW? I don’t know about you but I am definitely ready for it to stop. This is winter like I remember when we were kids. It would start snowing in October and snow until March. The almanac called for this to be a very severe...

Momma Said for January 7, 2014

I didn’t drop the ball, I missed it completely. Of course, I am talking about the New Year’s Eve Ball. I haven’t stayed up to see it come down for a long time. A new year comes along and it just means we are getting one year older. I do...

Momma Said. Holiday Edition.

The first day of winter is past so now the days begin to grow longer. Only a minute at a time but I will take it. We ended up with a white Christmas. Not much (yeah!) but it was white. I hope everyone had a safe Christmas and that Santa...

Momma Said for December 17, 2013

Picture this, witches hunched over a boiling vat and the words from Shakespeare’s Macbeth comes to mind, Double, Double, Toil and Trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble. Now picture this, two sisters standing over the kitchen stove, making peanut brittle, mixing all the ingredients. Stir until boiling, then stir some...

Momma Said for December 10, 2013

The smell of roasting turkey is an indication of the season. Some smells can trigger memories just as quickly as a picture. The smell of pine brings back memories of past Christmas seasons to people. Oranges and tangerines do that for me because we could not have live pine in...

Momma Said for December 3, 2013

Another month has gone into the history books and soon another year will follow. It is hard to believe that 2014 is coming up. It seems just yesterday that the big scare went up about Y2K. What a joke that was. The only other thing I remember about the turn...

Momma Said for November 19, 2013

“For God and Country”, how long has it been that those words have carried much weight? This country was founded on the premise that the government was to be By the People for the People. Momma Said, “Today is seems the government is By Some People for A Few People.”...

November 12, 2013

Today’s economy leaves a lot to be desired. I am troubled with the road our country is going down right now. The future does not look very promising, especially for the younger generation. The government seems to be on a course to run the country right into the ground. I...

November 5, 2013

How many of you out there know people who just can’t keep their nose out of other people’s business? It seems to be a way of life for them to have to know everything about everyone. I just don’t get it, when you go through life minding your own business...

October 29, 2013

Life is like a merry-go-round. You have the ups and downs of everyday life, and things just go round and round. It is getting harder these days to step off and just stand still for a little while. Life is so fast paced and it doesn’t seem there are enough...

October 22, 2013

Brrrrr! It was 29 degrees when I got up this morning.  I am not ready for this weather.  I would be happy if it stayed in the 60’s or 70’s all winter, but I guess I live in the wrong state for that to happen.  Soon the Robins will be...

October 15, 2013

Halloween is fast approaching and that was one time when I was growing up that we didn’t have to share our “stuff”.  When we got our candy haul from Trick or Treat night we always had to get creative and find a new hiding place so the other kids wouldn’t...

Momma Said for October 9, 2013

The leaves are changing quickly and it seems fall is upon us once again.  Time passes much too quickly these days, it seems just like yesterday that the trees were blooming and everything was greening up after a loooong winter.  Now the forest is going to sleep.   When we...

September 25, 2013

A reader sent a note last week letting me know she takes The Advocate with her for friends to read.  I am glad to hear we have avid readers everywhere.  This lady is from Ohio and a friend of hers asked why I never have anything in my articles about...

Momma Said For September 11, 2013

By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate Can you take a joke?  Is it better to be on the giving end or the receiving end of a joke?  I guess it depends on the nature of the joke and the parties involved.  I love playing jokes and getting the best of...

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