Tucker Community Foundation received help in kicking off their new campaign, Tucker County Boulder Park project, in the form of a generous check from the Dominion Foundation.

The park, which will be a free public park, will feature large manufactured rocks that have hand holds. Currently there are plans for three such “boulders”: a children’s, a mid-size, and a larger more technical one for more experienced climbers. The hand holds can be moved, thus allowing for different climbing experiences. No special equipment is required to climb, just the desire to make it to the top.
Representatives from Dominion Foundation were on hand last week at the check presentation ceremony held at the Tucker County High School’s auditorium. It gets the boulder rolling, as it were, for the Foundation’s newest campaign, a boulder climbing park which will also help with our local EMS squads. The check was for $25,000. Fifteen thousand of the check will go toward the boulder park and ten thousand will go toward a fund to benefit the local EMS. The ten thousand dollar amount hits the mark for endowed funds.
The mission of this community enhancement project is to build a permanent endowment in support of Tucker County Emergency Medical Services.
Diane Hinkle opened the ceremony and highlighted the funding challenges faced by our local EMS in a community where the majority of the tax burden is carried by 19% of the county. She noted that any given weekend or holiday the population of the county can go from less than 7,000 to around 12,000. This influx puts an increased burden on an already heavily stretched EMS.
“This is our way of acknowledging a problem, we can’t fix the problem, but we can help”, said Hinkle.
Help comes in the form of funding for the boulder park. Donations from $1 up to $9,999 will be split 50/50 between the Boulder Park and the EMS Fund. Amounts of $10,000 and above, the split can be determined by the donor.

The Boulder Park will be located in the southeast corner of the Davis Ball Park. The property for the ball park was donated to the Town of Davis for recreational purposes by Western Pocahontas Properties.
Hinkle said; “The unique thing about this project is it has brought so many stakeholders together. ”
*The Tucker Community Foundation is the lead partner, they will seek and administer grant support and oversee fundraising for the project.
*The Town of Davis provided the site and signed a Memorandum of Agreement taking ownership of the Park upon completion.
*Western Pocahontas donated the original property in 1996 and has agreed to allow trail access from the park across Rt. 93 to connect with the proposed Rail Trail.
*WV DOH agreed to sign the Rt. 93 crossing and bike path leading to the proposed rail trail.
*Heart of Highlands offered $25,000 of in-kind support to construct the trail. Thus qualifying the project to apply for a $150,000, 80-20% match grant.
*Dominion Foundation kicked off the fundraising campaign with their $25,000 donation.
*Many (too numerous to mention) other representatives from interested groups participated in a series of project development meetings.
Inspired by the large boulders unearthed by the Corridor H construction taking place outside of Davis, the park will offer an aesthetically pleasing welcome to the area. An area now considered as the gateway to places like, Blackwater Falls and Canaan Valley State Parks, Monongahela National Forest and the Potomac Highlands.
Interested in helping to get the boulder rolling (and thereby helping the local EMS)? Donate or volunteer at the Tucker Community Foundation @ www.tuckerfoundation.net or call 304-478-2930.
For more information on the Boulder Park contact the above information or “like” them on FaceBook at Tucker Boulder Park.