WV Caring Receives Honor for its Outstanding Care
Arthurdale, WV - WV Caring has been named a 2022 Hospice Honors recipient by HEALTHCAREfirst, a leading provider of billing...
Arthurdale, WV - WV Caring has been named a 2022 Hospice Honors recipient by HEALTHCAREfirst, a leading provider of billing...
The following criminal complaint has been filed in the Tucker County Magistrate office: Ashley Facemire, Gassaway, was charged with one...
By Teri Cayton The Parsons Advocate This past weekend I went to see my niece receive her white coat and...
The Tucker County Senior Citizens held their monthly Outpost at the Parsons Center on May 3, 2022. Evelyn Moore welcomed...
We need some more people to go with us on June 2, 2022 to Johnstown, PA to see a play...
Brody Strawderman finished the Mountain East Conference in first place with a new conference record in the hammer throw of...
Dennis and Gladys Jane (Bever) Pifer will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on May, 12, 2022. They were married on...
These pictures show the crating of cauliflower in Canaan Valley. Cauliflower was first planted on a commercial scale in 1944. ...
Editor, This year marks our sixth year hosting Celebrate Parsons, an event to recognize our local citizens, community leaders and...
I am reacting to the Letter from Ms. Deborah McHenry in the April 27th issue of the Advocate. First I...
The Parsons High School Alumni Association is meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at the Tucker County...
301 Walnut St. Parsons WV 26287 Phone/Fax 304-478-3880 https://fiverivers.wvlibrary.info ~ parsons@clark.lib.wv.us ~ find us on FaceBook Hours, Sept. – ...
Tucker County Association of Retired School Employees meeting is at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at The Depot...
Join Canaan Valley Master Naturalists for a spring stroll through the park. Depending on conditions, we will highlight a spring...
By: Jennifer Britt The Parsons Advocate Progress is being made in the demolition of the old Paint Store in Parsons....
By Dave Helmick TuckerCountySports.Com ROMNEY – The Tucker Valley Middle School Girls’ and Boys’ Track teams traveled to Hampshire...
By Dave Helmick TuckerCountySports.Com KEYSER – The Tucker County Girls’ and Boys’ Track teams traveled to Keyser Tuesday May...
Lady Mt. Lions player Kristen Hicks prepares to bat in a previous game against Petersburg. Photo by Dave Helmick. Tucker...
By Dave Helmick TuckerCountySports.Com PARSONS – The Mt. Lions Baseball team hosted Tygarts Valley on Monday May 2nd. The...